
How Not To Get Blindsided By Your Wife Asking For A Divorce

Men. Many of us often cruise along in our marriage. As long as we’re having sex occasionally and the house isn’t on fire, we’re fine with how things are. We don’t think much more about our marriage.

Then there’s another group of guys in the marital battle zone. No sex. The house is on fire. And in response, they try to ignore it. Or they have a fire hose spraying everywhere. But still, the fire’s not going out.

And then there’s a rare few men who have an engaging, fulfilling marriage. They have good sex. They navigate conflict well with their wife. And they feel a sense of trusted home in their wife.

Which of these guys are you?

The first two guys are at a much higher risk of marital dissolution, a kind way of saying getting blindsided by divorce papers.

A fact: Of college-educated couples, it’s the woman 90% of the time who initiates divorce.

Yes, even the first guy. The one who thinks things are fine. He is totally shocked when he gets served papers. He’s like what, how’s that possible? I thought we were fine.

The second guy knows things are bad. But he doesn’t think she’ll pull the divorce trigger. He thinks she’s invested in staying. That’s why she hangs around, even though the house has been on fire for a while.

Are you at risk of getting blindsided by your wife asking for a divorce?

It’s a tough question to answer. And more than trying to cause fear in you, I’m interested in opening your eyes to the reality that this is happening left and right.

Knowledge is power. 90%. That’s a big number.

Regardless, most men would rather not deal with this. He thinks, I’m doing what I can. Or we’re fine, there’s nothing to worry about.

But what if you could see the warning signals. The red flags that she’s got divorce on her mind.

Did you know that women often decide two years prior to asking for a divorce?

Two years. Yeah, I know, it’s crazy. That’s a long time.

But the opportunity for you as a man, who cares about his family, who wants his marriage to work, is to do something critical now.

That something is simple but it takes some work. And I say it in two words in the video below.

Ok, I’m not going to be one of those guys who force you to watch a video to get the answer.

But I explain them more in-depth in the video above. So click on it now and keep the Youtube window open on your phone or laptop to watch when you have a moment.

Those two words are simple. Pay Attention.

Yes, pay attention to the state of your marriage. Pay attention to her body language. The way she looks at you or ignores you. Pay attention to the energy she does or doesn’t give you.

Do you know the signs of a woman who’s decided to divorce?

She’s given up hope. She doesn’t see any real reason to engage you directly anymore. She might have sex now and then, but emotionally she’s checked out or she’s stuck in complaint mode.

When you start to pay attention to her signals, you’ll have a read on the state of your marriage. And you’ll start to notice the #1 reason women blindside men with divorce.

And that is, they are emotionally unfulfilled in the marriage.

They have a voice in their head that says, He’s clueless. He’s checked out. I’m tired of this crap.

What can you do about your marriage?

Start talking to quality men. Men who are working on their marriage in a good way. Guys who are positive about their wives and have good ideas.

The problem is most of us guys don’t know any men like that. And that’s precisely why I created the Men’s Relationship School, where quality men are having powerful conversations to take charge of their marriage.

It’s where we use knowledge that could be dangerous to us and turn it into building strength in ourselves and our relationship.

Let’s face it. The state of your marriage, as much as you might try to avoid it, reflects the state of your life.

If you’re not a group guy and you want to consider 1:1 coaching, shoot me a quick email.

And lastly, if you´re going through a divorce, reply to learn how to divorce amicably for the well-being of your kids & your own mental and emotional health.

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