
Weathering The Election Together As A Couple

Well, we’re in the homestretch of the election season now. And typically, the word “homestretch” has a sense of comfort to it. We’ve done the hard work. And now we can relax.

And yet when it comes to the election, it’s quite the opposite. We’re in the homestretch of all the craziness but there’s generally not a very relaxed mood in the air. And of course, that’s an understatement.

There’s a lot of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty, whatever side you’re on. And yet no one wants to talk about any of it. We just want to be agreed with and have our side win.

I get it. I’m not above that.

So, what does all this have to do with your relationship?

I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, most guys will go through this next week, worried about who wins, concerned about the future, and even anxious about how the election results will transpire.

And a whole boatload of other guys will check out from it all altogether with working a lot, drinking, smoking, playing video games, and being on their favorite app.

Existing patterns in your relationship will be exaggerated by the bigger stresses of the upcoming week.

It was just like when COVID hit. You got to really see what you’re made of as a couple. Well, this week another test is coming for you as a couple.

Are you prepared for this next stress on your relationship?

Well, you have a choice. You can either go it alone as a couple, not communicating much, being invisible to one another, pretending things are normal, feeling any of these things – isolation, alienation, aloneness, fear, anxiety, or numbness.

Or you can bring care, strength, connection and compassion to one another during this unprecedented and tense time.

And the difference between the two paths lies in one question.  All week, ask yourself this question.

It’s the #1 question to ask to determine the course of your relationship. And even more so, during times fraught with conflict.

And it’s not just the question itself but how you digest it that matters. And that’s why I’ve chosen to speak it to you as your coach 90 seconds into the video below.

This is your opportunity, man.
Take leadership in your relationship.
Be a strong male figure in your family system.
She’ll love you for it.

And for us guys to have each others’ backs, and to be strong for our families, join me this Tuesday at 9am MT, for a special election day edition of my “Men’s Relationship Tools” call.

We’ll have a great discussion, as well as tips, on how you can be strong as a man for your partner and your family for the upcoming week. And of course, you’re welcome any Tuesday moving forward.

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