
Go From Confusion To Clarity In Your Marriage

John was at the ledge. He’d been trapped in a “one down” dynamic with his wife for years.

Nothing he could say or do was ever good enough for her. She seemed totally shut down to him.

He missed the woman he first met, who had opened to him like a lotus flower. He was confused as to what to do about it.

Are you confused about what to do in your marriage?

At work, as an executive coach, John had lots of clarity. He was an expert in effective communication and leadership strategies. But at home it was a different story.

He suffered lots of confusion. And he tended to beat himself up about it.

He would go into the classic negative self-talk which he would abhor at work.

Do you experience negative self-talk when it comes to your marriage?

“She doesn’t love me.”

“I’m not enough for her.”

“She doesn’t respect me.”

John would kick the can down the road when it came to making change, in order to avoid his confusion about the future of his marriage.

Do you kick the can down the road on action in your marriage?

It got to a point for John where his wife literally shut him out of the bedroom.

“It’s for the best,” she said to him.

“But how can we go on like this?” he said.

“I don’t know,” she said and closed the bedroom door on him.

Have you ever been locked out of your bedroom by your wife?

This was the moment when John said enough. He had hit the ledge, where he would jump off the cliff or turn back.

Jumping meant divorce or renegotiating his marriage. Turning back was more of the same abuse, just to stay married.

Are you at the cliff’s ledge of your marriage?

While this is a super scary place for a guy, it’s also the moment when action happens.

John had reached the point where the fear of jumping was greater than the risk. He was ready to jump and wanted guidance on how best to land. That’s when he emailed me.

In our work together over six months, I led him through a game-changing process that I’d like to offer to you below. It’s a powerful way to go from confusion to clarity in your marriage. Check it out in the video below.

In a short time, John began taking assertive action to attempt to improve his marriage. Whether his wife would accept his efforts or not was beside the point.

He was going to give it his best shot before he called it quits. He wanted an intact family for the sake of himself and his kids.

Are you wanting to give your best efforts to your marriage?

He was aware that over the years, he had put much more energy into his career than his marriage. And that would change moving forward.

The exercise I offered him gave him clarity on what he wanted to move towards and move away from with his wife.  His clarity motivated him to lead in his marriage like never before.

Do you want to lead in your marriage?

And while his wife had shut him out of the bedroom, within a few months, she invited him back in.

She saw his efforts and care. She agreed that they needed to renegotiate the contract of their marriage, what I call relational restructuring.

And it happened because at the cliff’s ledge, he was ready to go from confusion to clarity.

Are you ready to go from confusion to clarity in your marriage?

If so, let’s explore what’s possible for you. Shoot me a quick email.

And this Tuesday at 12pm ET, join me for the NEW Men’s Relationship School, formerly called Men’s Relationship Tools, offering men…

… immediately usable action tips to STOP WALKING ON EGGSHELLS WITH YOUR WIFE to go after what you ultimately want with her.

… hands-on practice to get her off of your back without FEAR OF BEING THE ASSHOLE who blows things up.

… concrete support to get past the fear of SCREWING THINGS UP WITH HER and start making things right.

.. and practical knowledge on WHEN TO CALL IT QUITS.

Can’t make the Tuesday call but still want to learn more? Check out more about what the new monthly format offers.

And for daily relationship tips, action items, and relationship inspiration, join my private men’s only Facebook Group Men Mastering Relationship.

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